Koshdukai's Rants, Thoughts & Whatnots
  Mighty Mouse, Apple and input devices.

Apple finally launched something that might be usable to someone (like me) that thinks one button isn't enough for a 5 finger hand.

I hate those 30-button mice that some bright minds put out without checking if we could even grab one without clicking by mistake half a duzen buttons, but, heck, one button mouse ?

So, I'm the kind of guy that misses something that takes care of the zooming, scrolling, panning, or whatever that keeps me from doing too much unnecessary mouse milage.

I always thought that mice should have a (roller)ball (2 axis) instead of just a wheel (just 1 axis). Yeah, I've seen some wheels that one could tild sideways, but that's really not the same.

From the looks of it, this Mighty Mouse doesn't use a (roller)ball. Maybe it uses something like those red tips IBM ThinkPads have. If this is true, it'll be just another of those things I can't understand why the heck it was done this way.

It still looks like a one-eyed mouse, but at least this one knows better :)

erm... btw, if anyone reads this, I have to say that I'm not a Mac user. I have 0 (zero) Apple products. But I try to keep an eye on Steve Jobs projects, ever since NExT. Who knows ? Maybe someday "my perfect personal computer" may have an Apple logo in it.

In my entire life, I've only touched 2 Apple computers.

The 1st was an Apple Lisa. The first time I ever used a mouse (yes, I'm that old).

The 2nd time, was a Mac OS X iMac, for 20 seconds at a cyber-cafe, while trying to check something on Google. It was the first time I missed the right-button mouse, ever :P

So, do I dislike Apple ? ...I'll say something about it on a future post.
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