Koshdukai's Rants, Thoughts & Whatnots
Why Python, why ?
Why, oh why does
Python make me use something like
str="123456789"; ini=5; end=7; str[ini-1:end]
when I want the substring from the 5th to the 7th chars ? :(
Wouldn't it be more logical to start indexes with 1 and the end limit be inclusive so I could simply use something like
str[5:7] so one could read it like
"str's 5th to 7th chars" ?
Another kinda stupid thing is the integer output of
2 /3 having to resort to one non-integer to output a decimal output, like
2.0 / 3 or
2 / 3.0
...to be continued...
Mighty Mouse, Apple and input devices.
Apple finally launched
something that might be usable to someone (like me) that thinks one button isn't enough for a 5 finger hand.
I hate those 30-button mice that some bright minds put out without checking if we could even grab one without clicking by mistake half a duzen buttons, but, heck, one button mouse ?
So, I'm the kind of guy that misses something that takes care of the zooming, scrolling, panning, or whatever that keeps me from doing too much unnecessary mouse milage.
I always thought that mice should have a (roller)ball (2 axis) instead of just a wheel (just 1 axis). Yeah, I've seen some wheels that one could tild sideways, but that's really not the same.
From the looks of it, this
Mighty Mouse doesn't use a (roller)ball. Maybe it uses something like those red tips IBM ThinkPads have. If this is true, it'll be just another of those things I can't understand why the heck it was done this way.
It still looks like a
one-eyed mouse, but at least this one knows better :)
erm... btw, if anyone reads this, I have to say that I'm not a Mac user. I have 0 (zero) Apple products. But I try to keep an eye on Steve Jobs projects, ever since NExT. Who knows ? Maybe someday "my perfect personal computer" may have an Apple logo in it.
In my entire life, I've only touched 2 Apple computers.
The 1st was an
Apple Lisa. The first time I ever used a mouse (yes, I'm that old).
The 2nd time, was a Mac OS X iMac, for 20 seconds at a cyber-cafe, while trying to check something on Google. It was the first time I missed the right-button mouse, ever :P
So, do I dislike Apple ? ...I'll say something about it on a future post.
Pixar, Final Fantasy, Google Video and YABPASyadayadayada...
You, know... yet another blog post about SONY's perspective on how to enforce DRM on their clients. Remember ? Those guys'n'girls that give them money to enjoy their products? :POne needs to read
Mark's Sysinternals Blog posts about
Sony, Rootkits and Digital Rights Management Gone Too Far to understand what' this all about.
Yup, that's what you get for buying a legit Audio CD from SONY BMG and play it on your Windows machine with autorun turned on. A little "free" gift.
I especially like this comment:
Perhaps if you kernel level developer guys were a little less friendly and helpful on you're mailing lists you could prevent things like this being created.
Ceri Coburn of First4Internet.co.uk asking for help writing a cdrom filter driver
# posted by Edward : 8:22 PM, October 31, 2005
and, of course, this one:
First4Internet, eh?... let's see... according to public records, they were incorporated 24/11/1999. In 2004 they had a turnover of £709,941 and operating expenses of £1,301,546 -- meaning an operating loss of £591,605. In the last five years they have, on average, lost £541,067 a year. For 2004, their credit rating is "HIGH RISK" (complete with capitalisation). Meanwhile, the four directors share annual renumeration of £224,413 between them (average £56,103 each).
One of the directors, Nicholas Bingham, (appointed in 2002) was director of "Sony pictures home entertainment Ltd." from 1989 to 1997, and director of "Sony pictures television production UK Ltd." from 1996 to 2000, and director of "Sony digital radio europe Ltd." from 1994 to 2000.
A cynic might say Sony selected this inept copy protection technology because it was supplied by one of thier cronies. The reason this is a bad business practice can be seen by the software's many failings.
So... SONY... good move eh ? :)
Anyway, I never buy protected Audio CDs. If one was given to me (never happened, fortunatly), I would make a protection-free copy of the audio stream so I can play it whenever, wherever and how I want. ...and keep the original CD (the physical object) as another art manifestation of the artist, like the cover and the booklet, photos, etc...
If this is ilegal, ok, fine... there's plenty of listenable music on Radio or TV to listen to, so no need to support SONY's way by giving them what they want: my money.
I try to spend my hard earned money with those that I think deserve it. If I like the artist but don't like the label behind it, well... tough luck to both.
"Those who want it all, loose it all."
Speaking of this,
Pixar is one of those where I like to spend my money on :)
For me,
The Incredibles was their best work so far. The water effects, the hair, the characters, the story, the way the super powers were carefully matched with each family member, everything was great :)
hmmm... speaking of hair, you must check the latest Final Fantasy movie
WOW!!! ...now that's high quality 3D CG hair and fur :)And... finally
Video Google search engine now has integrated video feeds :D how cool is that, eh ?
ok, enough already.
For more about Sony's Rootkit issue:
- More on Sony: Dangerous Decloaking Patch, EULAs and Phoning Home
- Sony’s Rootkit: First 4 Internet Responds
- Sony: You don’t reeeeaaaally want to uninstall, do you?
- Sony: No More Rootkit - For Now
...and Microsoft's Jason Garms (Anti-Malware Technology Team) comment
*ack* !!! Blogs, templates, nanotech and erm... LEGO.
I've been fiddling with the blog template and added some side-bar link sections :)
Also, it looks like I'm still on a LEGO mood today...
Notes to self:
- Speaking of nanotech, must check Orkut's scrapbook and extract any interesting info from it.
- Get me-self into a Planeshift mood again, to test latest CVS commits.
- Try to post something about SkyOS
Star Wars, Droids, Big Wheels, LEGO and robotics.
4481 TECHNIC Hailfire Droid set looks like the kind of set I would
buy, simply because of those
big wheels.
Why ? Here's why:
Oh, and since I'm on a LEGO mood, here's something interesting to follow:
Mana Cat
So this is what having a
weblog feels like :)
meh... well, I guess I'll be posting some rants'n'thoughts here, instead of dumping'em on
Maybe I'll post something about free MMORPG's like
Silkroad online or open-source ones like
Planeshift, soon.
After that, maybe something about
LEGObotics, etc...